
The Forgotten Bridge

After almost two years its woods got ripped off, the bridge still remains uncovered. According to a passer-by, on Thursday, 1 July 2021, the police and the demolition forces cleared the scrap yard in Agbogbloshie (the world's largest e-waste dump site). The clearance also coincided with other activities like the removal of the wood from the bridge near the 69 Ring Road, West Road, Accra (Around Christ Temple, International Central Gospel Church). The movement of various groups of people has been hampered by the state of the bridge, but despite its destruction, people continue to use it ; the elderly; children; young people, including people living with disability which can be very dangerous. The bridge is a huge connector of various groups of persons to their destinations: 1. The first group is school children who use the playground across the bridge for physical exercise activities. 2. The market women who cross the bridge to conduct business. 3. And we also have those who just move around or wander and have to use the bridge. 4. the final category, which the demolition forces believe to be targeting, hence the removal of the woods from the bridge is the scrap traders. There have been numerous fatalities on this bridge, including deaths but this does not deter people from using it because they still see the bridge as a means to reach their various destinations even though not safe. I can only add my voice and work to the citizens who are appealing to the authorities to assist in repairing the bridge and I hope this is done soon for #TheGoodofGhana. Ghana, January 2022